How to prepare walls

Preparing your walls properly before applying peel and stick or pre-pasted wallpaper is crucial for a smooth and long-lasting installation. Here's a detailed guide:

Step 1: Clear the Area

  • Remove any furniture, decorations, or wall hangings from the area where you'll be working. This ensures an unobstructed workspace.

Step 2: Clean the Walls

  • Start by cleaning the walls thoroughly to remove any dirt, grease, or dust that could affect the wallpaper's adhesion.
  • Wipe the walls with clean water and allow them to dry completely before proceeding.

Step 3: Repair Imperfections

  • Inspect the walls for any imperfections such as holes, cracks, or uneven surfaces.
  • Use a putty knife or spackling compound to fill in any holes or cracks. Smooth the surface with the putty knife and allow it to dry completely.
  • Once dry, sand the repaired areas with fine-grit sandpaper to create a smooth surface.

Step 4: Prime the Walls (Optional)

  • Applying a primer to the walls can help improve adhesion and provide a uniform surface for the wallpaper.
  • Use a paint roller or brush to apply a coat of primer to the walls, following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Allow the primer to dry completely before proceeding to apply the wallpaper.